Steve Green - What Are the Words? Lyrics

What Are the Words? Lyrics

What are the words?
What are they saying?
If I am still
I, too, can hear;
The skies are singing
The breezes whisper,
"Make friends with silence,
Stop and draw near"

"Our God is true
Our lord is mighty
Glorious Jehovah
Is calling you.
Now through the thunder
Now through the raining
Now through the laughter
Now through the pain

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

What are the words?
What are they saying?
If I am still
I, too, can hear;
The skies are singing
The breezes whisper,
"Make friends with silence,
Stop and draw near"

"Our God is true
Our Lord is mighty
Glorious Jehovah
Is calling you.
Now through the thunder
Now through the raining
Now through the laughter
Now through the pain."

What Are the Words? Video

What Are the Words? Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"What Are the Words?" is a beautiful song by Steve Green that invites listeners to embrace silence, draw near to God, and recognize His calling in their lives. This soul-stirring melody encourages us to listen closely to the whisper of God's creation and to find solace in His presence.

I. The Inspiration and Story Behind "What Are the Words?"
Behind every song, there is usually a story or inspiration that drives its creation.

Steve Green, a renowned Christian artist, has been known for his heartfelt and impactful music throughout his career. His songs often reflect deep spiritual convictions and a desire to convey the timeless truths of the Christian faith. "What Are the Words?" is no exception, as it calls listeners to pause amidst the busyness of life and listen to the voice of God.

II. The Meaning of "What Are the Words?"
The song "What Are the Words?" invites us to reflect on the significance of silence and stillness in our spiritual journey. It encourages us to take a step back from the noise and distractions of the world and find solace in the presence of God. By embracing silence, we can attune our hearts to hear the gentle whisper of His voice and discern His calling for our lives.

The lyrics of the song emphasize the power and greatness of God. They remind us that our Heavenly Father is true and mighty, and that He is constantly reaching out to us. Through the thunder, the rain, the laughter, and the pain, God's voice can be heard, calling us to draw near and experience His love and guidance.

III. Bible Verses that Resonate with "What Are the Words?"

1. 1 Kings 19:12 (NIV):
"And after the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, there was a gentle whisper."

This verse captures the essence of "What Are the Words?" by highlighting the importance of stillness and silence in hearing God's voice. In the story of Elijah, God did not speak through the powerful forces of nature but through a gentle whisper. This verse reminds us that God often speaks in the quiet moments of our lives, and it is in those moments that we can truly hear His words.

2. Psalm 46:10 (NIV):
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

This well-known verse echoes the message of the song, emphasizing the need for stillness and reflection. When we quiet our hearts and minds, we can fully recognize God's presence and sovereignty. By being still, we can experience the peace that comes from knowing that He is in control.

3. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV):
"This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: 'In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.'"

In this verse, we are reminded that finding rest, peace, and strength in God requires us to embrace quietness and trust. By seeking His presence in silence, we can experience the transformation and renewal that come with surrendering our lives to Him.

IV. Conclusion
"What Are the Words?" by Steve Green is a poignant song that invites us to embrace the beauty of silence and stillness in our relationship with God. It reminds us to pause amidst the noise of the world and listen attentively to the voice of our Heavenly Father. Through its powerful lyrics and inspiring melody, the song serves as a reminder that God is constantly reaching out to us, calling us to draw near and find solace in His presence.

By reflecting on the Bible verses that resonate with the message of the song, we can deepen our understanding of the importance of silence and stillness in our spiritual journey. May "What Are the Words?" serve as a gentle reminder to cultivate moments of quietness and trust in our daily lives, allowing us to hear the whisper of God's voice and respond to His divine calling. What Are the Words? Lyrics -  Steve Green

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